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At Creative Colleges, the operative word is ‘Creative’. We adhere to the idea that creativity is the single factor that distinguishes the leader from the herd. What we seek is to bring creativity into play as part of the learning process. As part of our efforts, we place great emphasis on bringing to the fore the student’s analytical abilities and creative acumen to help them cope with the challenges for the future. The vision of Creative Colleges to be a center for nurturing creative and innovative ideas that help in building a better society, a better world. The three fundamental pillars of education for any institution are People, Content, and Environment. At Creative Colleges, we are focused on giving nothing but the very best in these three essential factors.

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SCC has signed an MOU in 2020 with Birmingham School of Architecture & Design, Birmingham City University, Birmingham, UK, to collaborate in providing global academic & research opportunities for faculty and students. The potential opportunities would include, but not limited to the following:

  • Study Abroad and Student Exchange Programmes
  • Faculty, Scholar and Staff Exchange Programmes
  • Development of Joint Curriculums
  • Research Collaborations, and Exchange of teaching and academic materials, publications and other information.

About Birmingham City University : 

With around 24,000 students from 80 countries, Birmingham City University is a large and diverse place to study, giving students the best opportunities for future success.

Their superb courses, state-of-the-art facilities, first-rate staff, and focus on practical skills and professional relevance is producing some of the country’s most employable graduates.

The MOU provides both the institutions the possibility for exploring options like introduction to their Master’s Degree Program through innovative formats and cost effective to the aspirants of the Coimbatore region. This would provide the global exposure and reach much needed for the 21st century professionals.

Also, SCC faculty would share their expertise with the faculty and students of BCU, UK to help them acquire a creative edge especially with designing of modern structures.



  1. Creative Institute of Design (also known as Sasi Creative Institute of Design) is one of the premier design institutes in the country. It is one of the very few private multi disciplinary centre for creative studies in Tamil Nadu.
  2. CID has a high faculty to student ratio of over 1:8. This high faculty ratio enables students with utmost attention and care by faculties and ensures well development of the student in all spheres of life.  All of our professors are from different backgrounds with varied work experiences, citing leading institutions like NID, NIFT, IIT, CEPT, and various International Universities as their alma mater.
  3. CID students consistently secure top ranks in the University exams
  4. At Creative Colleges, we place great emphasis on developing the student’s fundamental analytical abilities and creative acumen to help them face any challenges that will arise in the future. This enables them to become Future-proof no matter what the market situation is.
  5. CID has signed an MOU in 2020 with Birmingham City University, UK. This facilitates collaborations on Student and Faculty Exchange, Study Abroad, Credit Transfer, research and more. Other collaborations with other university include MOU with BITS, UAE and Certificated Program participation in National University of Singapore. These foreign collaborations enable the students with the best of learning content and global industry exposure making it an unparalleled experience for students.
  6. CID campus is fully-equipped with the best and latest in infrastructure. The library comprises of over 4000 books amongst which are 1000 international books and journals. The workshop lab has advanced equipment such as weather station, laser cutter, 3D printer, advanced laser printer, 10 imported Bosch Machine and tools, etc. These tools makes CID one of the best hands on learning environments and amongst the best in India.
  7. We regularly organise conferences and design workshops at national and international level.
  8. In 2020, an architecture cum design conclave called ‘AnD Conclave’ was held to build awareness among the Designers/Architecture community about how these creative professions today influence human kind. It was held at national level and graced upon by most eminent thinkers in Design and Architecture.
  9. We strive to maintain high standards in design by publishing books on Design which is a dire need presently in India especially. Our first Design publication started in 2020 with the release of the book “Design Values” a collaboration between a senior professor who wrote it and a senior student graduate who designed it.

Design today in India, has originated from an industry that makes a product or service look good to a business process that facilitates development;

To improve Infrastructure, Lifestyles, Socio-cultural issues, Education, Literacy – the list is endless.

Design education is an important tool in developing products and services that add meaningful value to the lives of people. Although this is just the trend, more and more businesses and small enterprises are looking at design as a process than just a business tool.

Investing in research and strategic design faculties is a growing trend in the global design industry. Design has become consumer centric. Every product or service created today absolutely needs to be designed around the end user. It is becoming more and more intuitive, interactive, friendly and multi-sensorial. Design facilitates meaningful innovations to give business that leading edge. The iconic examples of industries with this belief in design are world leaders such as Apple, Google, and Amazon. They symbolise the new wave of success design thinking has on businesses.

Today students are more aware of international design and most definitely have an opinion on every global topic of design innovation. Unlike the earlier generation, this generation intuitively know what is a good quality design. Intensely rooted in their own culture, students know what is good from foreign influences in design. If a student aspires to build a company such as Apple, design knowledge is the fundamental requirement that will unleash the creative potential.


Material Exploration Workshop – Styrofoam

A two days workshop on Styrofoam, which is a part of Material Exploration module, organized by Sasi creative colleges. This workshop is facilitated by Sasi Creative Institute of Design, Coimbatore at its State of art Industrial workshop studio that commenced from 24 September 2019. This module is conducted by Assistant Professor Sujimsha, Industrial Design & […]

GESTALT Laws by Prof. Balaram Singanapalli

A 4 days Interactive workshop on GESTALT laws of perception, which is a part of Space, Form & Creativity module, organized by SASI creative colleges. This workshop is facilitated by Sasi Creative Institute of Design, Coimbatore at its Creative outdoor art studio that commenced from 12 September 2019. This module is conducted by His Excellency […]

Material Exploration Workshop – Clay Workshop

A 2 days workshop on CLAY, which is a part of Material Exploration module, organized by Sasi Creative colleges. This workshop is facilitated by Sasi Creative Institute of Design, Coimbatore at its Creative outdoor art studio that commenced from 03 September 2019. This module is conducted by Mr. Sujimsha, Head of Industrial Design at SCID […]


Desipreneur Pranav and His Vrooming…SURGE

SURGE has a range of 450 kilometers and is endowed with a top speed of 120 km/hr. This electric bike designed by Pranav Singanapalli is perhaps the first geared electric bike in India. Enthusiastic Pranav and his team have found the environment at the Design Research Centre located within the lovely campus belonging to Sasi Creative Colleges. […]

Emote Electric operating at the Sasi Design Research Center is now featured on the Digit Magazine.

The DRC has signed an MoU with Emote Electric. Emote’s founder and Managing Director, Pranav Singanapalli who holds a masters degree from Northumbria University of UK and has set up the emote Electric workshop within the campus. With the ever increasing noise pollution and carbon footprints of the vehicles run by petrol and diesel, Pranav […]


A four days workshop on Color and Composition, which is a part of Elements and Principles of Design module, organized by SASI creative colleges. This workshop is facilitated by Sasi Creative Institute of Design, Coimbatore at its Design Studio that commenced from 31 October 2019. This module is conducted by Ms Mons Selvam, Architect by […]


A five days workshop on Form & Space, which is a part of Order, Space and Form module, organized by SASI creative colleges. This workshop is facilitated by Sasi Creative Institute of Design, Coimbatore at its Design Studio that commenced from 14 October 2019. This module is conducted by His Excellency Prof. A G Rao, […]

Material Exploration Workshop – POP

A 2 days workshop on POP (Plaster of Paris), which is a part of Material Exploration module, organized by SASI creative colleges. This workshop is facilitated by Sasi Creative Institute of Design, Coimbatore at its Creative outdoor art studio that commenced from 08 October 2019. This module is conducted by Assistant Professor Sujimsha, Industrial Design […]



Industrial Design

Be in demand for your qualification by studying Bachelor of Industrial Design, B.Des by learning to understand the various approaches, processes and systems to address human needs by creating tangible products.


Fashion Design

Walk the runway of success with the help of experienced faculty at CID to earn your Bachelor of Design, B.Des degree in Fashion Design or Fashion Merchandising.


Interior Design

Learn to look at space in holistic manner and design the interiors and furniture to enhance its functionality by earning a Bachelor of Design, B.Des degree in Interior Design.


Communication Design

Make your name in the world of Communication Design with a B.Des in Multimedia (Animation or Visual Effects), Graphic Design or Advertising & PR.

Our Programmes

B.Sc AI & Data Science

Welcome to the cutting-edge world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at SASI! Are you ready to dive into the future and explore the limitless possibilities that AI has to offer? Our AI course is designed to equip you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to shape the world of tomorrow.

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B.Sc in UI/UX at SCID is a 3 year program focused on the area of Digital interface and technology. In the first year, students are taught the basic elements and principles of Design which serves as the foundation for the forthcoming 3 years of Design specialisation.

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Transportation Design

B. Des transportation design at SCID is a 4 year program focused on the area of mobility and transportation. In the first year, students are taught the basic elements and principles of Design which serves as the foundation for the forthcoming 3 years of Design specialisation.

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Industrial Design

B.Des Industrial Design is a four year programme. The programme encourages and ensures
that various approaches, processes and systems to address human needs by creating tangible products.

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